Warren Buffett explains why he seems to go to college is not for everyone
The cost and time that higher education requires may not be worth it, Buffett said in an extensive interview with Yahoo Finances chief editor Andy Serwer Buffett said, referring to college, "I don't think so is for everyone. "
" It's a big commitment to take four years, and the cost is involved, and maybe the loans involved, "he says. "There should be a reason you go."
<p class = "canvas-fabric canvas text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The comments come under increased control focused & nbsp;] totaling $ 1.5 trillion in student loan debt among Americans, a figure that has tripled since 2005. A survey this month from & nbsp; GoBanking Rates that speculated 500 Americans with college degrees, found 42% that their college education was not worth the student debt it created. But 88% said they did not regret their final decision to go to college. "data-response time =" 19 "> The comments come from increased control focused on a total of $ 1.5 trillion in student loan debt among Americans, a figure that has tripled since 2005. A survey this month from GoBankingRates, which polled 500 Americans with college degrees, found 42% feel their college degree was not worth the student debt it created. But 88% said they didn't regret their final decision to go to college.
<p class = "canvas-atom canvas text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a presidential candidate in 2020, proposed on Monday an emergency plan that would delete student loan debt For over 75% of Americans who have it. "Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, a presidential candidate in 2020, proposed on Monday a relief plan that would delete student loan debt for over 75% of Americans who have it.

Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, moves during a game of bridge outside Berkshire-owned Borsheim's jewelry store in Omaha, Neb., Sunday, May 6, 2018 (AP Photo / Nati Hennik)
In fact, I was not keen to go to college myself
Buffett originally opposed to attending college, but eventually completed bachelor and education programs.
"I wasn't actually concerned about going to college myself," he says.
He applied for college because his father, Howard H. Buffett, advised that he should consider a bachelor's program at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
"My dad talked to me into it, buffett says." He could make me do something. If they had had a SAT test these days, he would have taken the test for me. "
Buffett attended the Wharton School for two years, then transferred to the University of Nebraska, where he earned an undergraduate degree in Business Administration. He later received a Masters Degree in Economics from Columbia University.
Since 1965, Buffett has run Berkshire Hathaway, which owns over 60 companies, such as Geico and Dairy Queen, as well as minority holdings including Apple, Coca-Cola, which has a net worth of $ 82.5 billion, and has promised to give away almost anything.

< p class = "canvas-textile-textile Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) Max Zahn is a reporter for Yahoo Finance. "data-reactid =" 48 "> Max Zahn is a reporter for Yahoo Finance. 19659017] Read more:
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