Vacation travelers should escape most of the consequences of the government's suspension
SEA-TAC INT & # 39; L AIRPORT, Wash. – Federal workers who help ease the holiday holiday will be affected by partial closure of the US government.
Flying at Christmas is hectic enough; Add federal furloughs to the mix and many travelers start wondering what's next.
"I hope it doesn't disturb my plans to go home," said Colleen Salazar, who just landed at Sea-Tac Airport to visit her daughter for Christmas.
The transport security administration will stay on the job and air traffic will continue to steer aircraft. However, they must work without pay. Also, no paycheck will be cut while the government is closed.
"It's just dishartening to have these employees who are dedicated to doing their job, not being paid," said Sara Salvador, who flew in from college for winter break.
While TSA agents will keep their posts behind the scene, the support staff who give them up are told to stay home.
Historically, Congress has approved repayment for federal workers once state operations resume, but there is no guarantee.
While most Americans are going to reach their holiday destinations, as many as do not like this closure, that policy is played with people's lives.
"I think it's bad politics," said Salazar.