$ US1.5 billion lotto jackpot has not been claimed
Three weeks after someone beat the biggest Mega Millions jackpot in history, the winner still has not come to claim his award, according to South Carolina lottery officials – and that could be a strategy behind the move.
"I'm not really surprised that it takes them some time to claim the prize," said Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor Michael A. Silver last week.
"You know, I think it's a little ironic. You think you win the lottery for $ US1.5 billion and you never have to worry about money again. But on (contrary) your money worries only went up around 1000 times. "
The winning ticket sold in a KC Mart in the South Carolina town of Simpsonville is worth about $ US1[ads1].5 billion ($ 2.05 billion) in annual rates over three decades, or a cash package of $ US877 million ($ 1.2 billion).
Winners have 180 days to go ahead, or April 21, according to WLTX, who first reported the news. If the ticket is not claimed in the allocated timeframe, the money automatically returns to participating states. Each state can use this money for different purposes.
However, according to Mr Silver, it is likely that the victory takes the necessary time to gather a group of trusted financial and tax advisors, lawyers and publicity experts to help them navigate potentially turbulent waters
"Someone who comes into a billionaire instantly, they move into the realm of great money," he said. "And it's a scary and massive unknown."
Together with the fall, tax concessions Silver said that the ticker would probably hired a tax adviser to facilitate the IRS bit, detailed by Fox Business.
If the winner accepts cash, total traffic will be about US $ 491.7 million ($ 671.8 million), after federal and state taxes – a 7 percent income tax in South Carolina, plus 37 percent federal interest rate. Without tax, Silver also says that win takes the time to create a budget as their expenses increase.
"Everyone assumes that it's 100 percent a blessing and it's just amazing and everything's going to be good, but there are a lot of thoughts and preparations and planning that must handle increased wealth," he says.
Most experts emphasize that if the winner becomes lucky and hit all six numbers – a 1 in 302 million chance – they should primarily keep the news to themselves before hiring a trusted financial adviser to help you avoid the sudden pitfalls of almost instant wealth.
This article was originally shown on Fox News and was reproduced with permission