
U.S. Yield Curve Steepens as Mnuchin considers long-term bonds by Bloomberg

© Reuters. US Yield Curve Steepens as Mnuchin Assesses Long-Term Bonds

(Bloomberg) – The US yield curve became stronger after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the government was seriously considering extending its debt profile well beyond the current three-year maximum. [19659004Gapbetweenfiveand30yearstaterateswithoutthe5bpswithintheirepaymentofthecountryofthecountrywithintheirbirthofthecountryofthecountry"IfconditionsarerightIexpectwewilltakeadvantageoflong-termborrowingandcarryitout"MnuchinsaidWednesdayinaBloombergNewsinterviewinWashington

"There was no need for Mnuchin to make remarks that could lead to the sale of treasuries," said Hidehiro Joke, a bond strategist at Mizuho Securities Co. in Tokyo. "He may have been trying to raise long-term interest rates given that the inversion of The yield curve is seen as a sign of the downturn and is cooling the sentiment. "

Strong 30-year bond buying has driven the sharpest monthly decline in returns since 201[ads1]1, as investors have sought security for global market volatility in one of the few large government markets offering positive returns.

The idea of ​​ultra-long bonds fell flat when it was last floating in 2017, but this may be a happy time to see it again – the world's scattered pile of negative-yield securities – which totals around $ 16 trillion – pushes investors beyond the global yield curves, partly to finance the longer life of pensioners.

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