
The world's largest plane, designed to transport satellite-loaded rockets, takes off from the Mojave Desert for the first test flight

After years of development in the desert north of Los Angeles, a giant, six-committed megajet with the wing tip of an American football field took off from the Mojave Air and Space Port on Saturday morning for the first time.

Stratolaunch Systems, founded in 2011 by the late Microsoft founder Paul Allen, completed the first test flow to the world's largest aircraft.

Basically, the Stratolaunch aircraft is a gigantic airplane station, designed to lower satellites to low ground. It aims to offer military, private companies and even NASA even a more economical way to enter space.

"Regardless of the payload, regardless of course, the satellite gets in place, it will be just as easy to book an airline," said CEO Jean Floyd in 201[ads1]8.

The aircraft wing panel measures 385 feet – wider than any plane on the planet. From the tip to the tail it is 238 meters long. It weighs half a million pounds. It's so big, it has two cockpits, one in each fuselage (but only one is used to fly the plane.)

"It's the world's largest aircraft. It's so big, it seems that it shouldn't be able to fly. "Jack Beyer, an aviation and launch photographer for, told CNN on Thursday.

He is thrilled to experience the beginning of the world industry's rising trend

Thousands of photographers, industry bloggers and airline specialists gathered this week to look at the unique twin airplane.

"People are interested in the first flight of Stratolaunch because they want to see the future," Beyer said. "It's the same reason people tune in every year to see Apple keynotes. People want to see what's next."

A ray carrying a rocket carrying a satellite

How Stratolaunch Understands work when the plane is fully tested and certified: The Jeten, which carries a rocket loaded with a satellite, will take off from Mojave and climb to a height of 35,000 feet. There, pilots will launch the rocket from the plane on a track to space. The plane will then land security back on the Mojave, while the rocket carries the satellite to a path that ranges from about 300 miles to 1,200 miles above the Earth. The grid utilizes the satellite before finally returning to Earth, burning up in the sky like a meteor.

Although the cost of the aircraft has not been disclosed, other details are known.

To make it both strong and lightweight, Stratolaunch is made largely of carbon fiber material instead of aluminum. To save money on designing new engines and landing gear, the jet is powered by six Pratt & Whitney engines, originally designed for the Boeing 747s. The landing gear, which includes a throbbing 28 wheels, was also first designed for 747s.

Low-Earth satellites can provide communication and broadband internet connection to remote areas on the ground. They can carry out valuable earth observation and monitoring. The market for commercial satellite launch services is growing rapidly and is expected to reach $ 7 billion by 2024, according to Global Market Insights.

Allowing small satellites in space via airplane also promises to be cheaper than traditional rocket launches because it eliminates the need

It can also save fuel costs, because the aircraft burns less fuel than a traditional rocket when it blows out of the ground.

Other Benefits: Bad weather won't be that much of a problem. The storms can delay a traditional rocket launch, but a jet can only take off and fly over bad weather – or around it – and then launch the satellite.

The launches can take place more often and within a faster time frame.

Competition by Richard Branson

Although Stratolaunch has only fled once, it is already in the fight against competition from billionaire Richard Branson and his Virgin Orbit company. Its LauncherOne service wants to throw rockets carrying orbiting satellites from a custom Boeing 747-400 – which, unlike Stratolaunch, is a proven aircraft.

Virgin Orbit is planning to launch its first launch on the Mojave Air & Space Port once "in the middle of the year."

"We are well on our way to providing new launch opportunities for small satellites that have been waiting too long for their ride to space, "said Virgin Orbit, CEO Dan Hart, on Wednesday in a statement.

What Next

Stratolaunch's first flight presents the company with a new set of hoops to jump through before it can start doing business. Pilots will have to test aircraft jet a lot more times before it can be checked and certified by the Federal Aviation Administration.

If everything goes as planned, Stratolaunch said the plane is expected to launch its first satellite sometime next year. [19659026] 35.056783

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