Suspicious text about film project sent to girls at high school

Staff at Bais Rivkah School in Crown Heights are warning parents about a suspicious text message received by at least two young middle school girls inviting them to be part of a supposed video filmed by the comedian and film producer Go to Pell. The whole story
By COLlive reporter
Staff at Bais Rivkah School in Crown Heights are warning parents about a strange text message received by at least two young middle school girls inviting them to be part of a supposed video filmed by the comedian and film producer Go to Pell.
The suspicious message received by the teenage girls claimed to be from a “Sara Goldberg”[ads1]; from Mendy Pellin’s office.
“We would like to know if you are interested in participating in our next video. Here’s some more info: our video will take place in New Jersey two months from now. We will be filming at a few different stores in Lakewood. Our office is currently in Crown Heights. We make sure that you are brought to us by train or bus and we cover the costs. If you don’t feel comfortable coming alone, you can bring a friend and we’ll cover her travel expenses as well. Let us know if you are interested and we will get back to you with more information as soon as possible,” the message read.
The girl’s parent contacted Mendy Pellin, who said the message is a hoax and that he is not planning any video recording at this time. Pellin confirmed to that the message is false. He also told COLlive that he knows of at least two girls who received the fake message, the other a student at a school in Connecticut.
The parent of one of the girls said that when her daughter asked where the person had gotten her number, one of the responses was sent after Shabbos began, another sign that the message did not come from Mendy Pellin.
The faculty at Bais Rivkah warns parents to beware of such messages and suggests that they should inform their children to be on the lookout for similar messages or invitations that may be a hoax.
“I think it’s important that parents are aware,” they said.