
Starbucks just made an impressive announcement that will give thousands of loyal customers empty hand

Now, for thousands of Americans – and perhaps much more – these routines need to be changed.

The reason is that Starbucks announced Friday, it's going to stop selling something you've probably seen almost every time you've been to Starbucks.

Maybe you think this won't affect you. Maybe you get all your news on the same device you are reading this article on.

But there are 8,400 Starbucks cafes in the US. Nearly all of them have a display rack that offers at least three newspapers for sale: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today.

If every Starbucks stores an average of just a few newspapers a day, it can easily add up to 40,000 or 50,000 copies ̵[ads1]1; and with that, tens of thousands of loyal newspaper readers. Now they must be empty-handed.

Interestingly, Starbucks says, falling newspaper reader is not really the reason for the change, which begins in September. Or at least, not the only reason.

Instead, it's about which large retail chains euphemistically call "shrink", a / k / a "theft."

In short, many people seem to think that newspapers are free at Starbucks.

Then they take them, spread them out on the table where they enjoy their drinks or food, and then (if they are even a bit conscientious), throw them in a

A quick look through some Starbucks Reddit employees tells the story :

"In my shop, the newspaper theft is so common that [we] adds a sign stating that" all newspapers must be scanned, "reported a Starbucks veteran." Do not stop people from reading them in the lobby as if it is a library. "

The chain will also stop showing bags of coffee and" grab and go "snacks for similar theft. (I guess many took" take and go "too literally and didn't really pay for them.) [19659002] When Starbucks first prepared its deal to sell the New York Times in all its stores back in 2000, it was seen as a gigantic coup for Times . Some newsstand operators and convenience stores Complained that sales newspapers at Starbucks would hurt their business terribly g.

Much has changed since then. With the announcement on Friday, the newspaper world reacted emotionally.

Personally, I was most interested in seeing how the newspapers that will no longer be sold in Starbucks reported on the change:

"It's the amazing Starbucks experience: Enter, order a hot cup of coffee and sit back with a newspaper, "reported Times . "

On USA Today the headline was:" Starbucks to end newspaper sales in September, including USA Today. "

A little more cagey, however, was the answer from The Wall Street Journal :

" While Starbucks decided to no longer sell printed copies, we actively discuss other ways that their customers can access the WSJ, "a spokeswoman told New York Post .

My wild guess (but not unreasonable): perhaps the WSJ is trying to negotiate free access to Journal while customers are physically at Starbucks, or a kind of discount that kicks in after you buy a coffee.

Anyway, this would come to an end. I used to write for The Washington Post Stars and Stripes and – my first job in business – New Haven Register

Nevertheless, I can't remember the last time I bought a newspaper, I'm like everyone else, glued to my phone.

Sounds like Starbucks just catch up to reality.

The opinions expressed here by Inc.c If the column is their own, not the ones of [19659025] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return;!? n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments!)! n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (f.fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded = 0; n.version = & # 39; 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async = 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, & # 39; script & # 39; https: //'); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & # 39; 465833680293850 & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, & # 39; PageView & # 39;); [19659026] window .__ INITIAL_STATE__ = {"responsive": {"phone": false, "tablet": false, "mobile": false, "desktop": true, "fakeWidth": 1200}, "routing" ": null}, "article": {"articles": {}, "Video": {} ", infiniteScrollArticles": []"loadedArticleBundles": []"isFetching": false ", isFetched": false " error ": null," meta ": true}," articleHash ": {" server731347 ": {" id ": 233234," inc_headline ":" Starbucks just made an impressive announcement that will empty thousands of loyal customers "," inc_homepage_headline ": null," inc_homepage_headline_ab_test ": null," inc_test_before_social_promotionflag ": True," inc_twitter_headline ":" Starbucks just made an impressive announcement that will give thousands of customers empty-handed @billmurphyjr "," inc_rubric ": null," inc_title "," inc_rubric ": null," inc_title " : "Starbucks did just a wonderful message that will give thousands of loyal customers Empty-Handed", "inc_custom_byline": zero, "inc_deck": "Maybe you always get this at Starbucks. You no longer want to. "," Inc_homepage_deck ": null," inc_sharing_deck ": null," inc_clean_text ":"

People enter into routines. For many people, these routines involve Starbucks.

Now, for thousands of Americans – and perhaps much more – these routines need to be changed.

The reason is that Starbucks announced Friday, it's going to stop selling something you've probably seen almost every time you've been to Starbucks.

No more newspapers.

Maybe you think this will not affect you. Maybe you get all your news on the same device you are reading this article on.

But there are 8,400 Starbucks cafes in the United States. Nearly all of them have a display rack that offers at least three newspapers for sale: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today.


If every Starbucks stores an average of just a few newspapers a day, it can easily add up to 40,000 or 50,000 copies – and with that, tens of thousands of loyal newspaper readers. Now they will be empty-handed.

Interestingly enough, Starbucks says that waning newspaper reader is not really the reason for the change, which begins in September. Or at least, not the only reason.

Instead, it is about which large retail chains euphemistically called "shrinkage," a / k / a "theft."

In short, it seems that many seem to have believed newspapers are free at Starbucks.

So they take them, spread them out on the table where they enjoy their drink or food, and then (if they are even a little conscientious), throw them in a recycling room or put them on a table for someone others.

A quick look through some Starbucks staff at Reddit tells the story:

"In my shop, the newspaper is theft so common that [we] puts a sign saying that" everyone newspapers must be scanned, "reported a Starbucks veteran." Do not stop people reading them in the lobby as if it were a library. "


The chain will also stop showing bags of coffee and" grab and go "snacks, for similar theft reasons. (I guess many people took" grab and go "too literally spoken, and not really paying for them.]

When Starbucks first prepared his deal to sell New York Times in all its stores back in 2000, it was seen as a giant coup for Times Some newsstand operators and convenience stores complained that sales newspapers at Starbucks would hurt their business terribly.

Much has changed since then. world emotionally.

Personally, I was most interested in seeing how the newspapers that are no longer sold in Starbucks reported the change:

"It's the core Starbucks experience : Go in, order a hot cup of coffee and lean you back with a newspaper, "reported Times .

On USA Today was the headline: "Starbucks to end newspaper sales in September, including the United States today.


A little more cagey, however, was the answer from The Wall Street Journal :

"While Starbucks took the decision to no longer sell print copies, we discuss actively in other ways that our customers can access the WSJ, "a spokeswoman told New York Post .


My wild guess (but not unreasonable): perhaps the WSJ is trying to negotiate free access to Journal while customers are physically at Starbucks, or a form of discount that kicks in after you buy a coffee.

Regardless, this should come afterwards. used to write for The Washington Post Stars and Stripes and – my first job in the business – New Haven Register

Still, I can't remember last time I bought a newspaper, I'm like everyone else, glued to my phone. [194590

Sounds like Starbucks are just catching up to reality.

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People enter into routines . For many people, these routines involve Starbucks .

Now, for thousands of Americans – and perhaps much more – are these routines

The reason is that Starbucks announced on Friday that it will stop Sell ​​something you've seen almost every time you've been to Starbucks.

No more newspapers.

Maybe you think this will not affect you. Maybe you get all your news on the same device you are reading this article on.

But there are 8,400 Starbucks cafes in the United States. Nearly all of them have a display rack that offers at least three newspapers for sale: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today. & nbsp;

If every Starbucks stores an average of just a few newspapers a day, it can easily add up to 40,000 or 50,000 copies – and with that, tens of thousands of loyal newspaper readers. Now they will be empty-handed.

Interestingly, Starbucks decreasing newspaper reader says, and is not really the reason for the change, starting in September . Or at least, not the only reason.

Instead, it is about which large retail chains euphemistically called "shrink", a / k / a "theft."

In short, it seems that many seem to have believed newspapers are free at Starbucks.

Then they take them, spread them out on the table where they enjoy their drink or food, and then (if they are a bit conscientious), throw them in a recycling box or put them on a table for someone others.

A quick look through some Starbucks staff at Reddit tells the story:

"In my shop, the newspaper is theft so common that [we] adds a character "All the newspapers have to be scanned," a Starbucks veteran posted. "Don't stop people reading them in the lobby as there is a library."

The chain also comes to to stop showing bags of coffee and "grab and go" snacks, for similar theft reasons. (I guess many people took "go and go" for literally and didn't really pay for them.)

When Starbucks first worked to sell the New York Times in all its stores back in 2000, it was seen as a gigantic coup for Times . Some newsstand operators and convenience stores complained that sales newspapers at Starbucks would hurt their business terribly.

Much has changed Since then, with the announcement Friday, the newspaper's world responded emotionally.

Personally, I was most interested in seeing how the papers that are no longer sold in Starbucks reported the change:

"It's the incredible Starbucks experience: Enter, order a hot cup of coffee and sit back with a newspaper, "reported Times . "At least that's how it used to be."

On USA Today was the headline: "Starbucks to Quit Newspaper Sale in September, Including USA Today.

A little more cagey, however, was the answer from The Wall Street Journal :


" While Starbucks decided to no longer sell printers, we actively discuss other ways that their customers can access the WSJ, "a spokeswoman said. New York Post

My wild guess (but not unreasonable) WSJ attempts to negotiate free access to Journal while customers are physically at Starbucks, or a form of rebate kicking in

Anyway, this went on to come to an end. & nbsp; I used to write for The Washington Post Stars and Stripes and – my first job in the business – New Haven Register

Still, I can't remember the last time I bought a newspaper. I look like everyone else, glued to my phone.

Sounds like Starbucks just catch up to reality.

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Sign up for Bill's Inc. This morning newsletter. "," aut_footer_blurb ":" Bill Murphy Jr. is a contributing editor at Contact and bio at "," aut_column_name ":" Action Required "," aut_atyid ": 2," aut_newsletter_location ":" ", "authorimage": "×100/Bill-Murphy_51492.png", "sorting": null}}, "companyProfile": [] "channel": {"channel ": []," isFetching ": false", isFetched ": false" error ": null}," guide ": {" guide ": {}," isFetching ": false", isFetched ": false," error ": null}," page map ": {" page map ": []" isFetching ": false" isFetched ": false" error ": zero}," hostname ":" "};

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