Sprint and AT & T now settle over their fake 5G branding
Having filed a lawsuit against AT & T in February this year over its misleading 5G branding on smartphones, Sprint has finally reached a settlement with its rival. Both network operators confirmed in the Dallas Business Journal that they have settled the matter.
But their deal does not seem to imply banning AT&T from using the 5G Evolution brand in their marketing campaigns ahead. AT&T started putting a 5G label on 4G phones late last year, a move that drew flakes from its major rivals Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint.
The marketing stunt ended in a legal battle between Sprint and AT & T after the former accused latter of misleading consumers believing they were connected to a real 5G network. AT&T claimed 5GE, launched in early 201[ads1]7 and later rolled out in Indianapolis in July 2017, was actually nothing more than a rebranding of its 4G LTE Advanced and LTE Advanced Pro networks. In March, it was found that AT & T's proclaimed 5G network was not as fast as competitors 4G based on an OpenSignal network speed test.
Conditions for settlement between the two companies are still a mystery for now, and both companies have
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