Social Security COLA 2023 release, live online: estimate, adjustment and inflation relief checks | SSA updates
Pending the 2023 Social Security COLA announcement, The Democrats are on the attack.
Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse sent a tweet calling out Republican plans to cut Social Security.
“Republicans have said they want to gut Social Security, even though they’re terribly cagey about admitting it,” Whitehouse said. Ahead of the midterms, Democrats are trying to make the distinctions between their position and that of the Republicans Social security very clear to voters. Democratic leaders know that Social Security is popular and that they can pin down Republicans by calling out their efforts to continue the privatization of retirement, which pose a major risk to workers. Consider that during the 2008 financial crisis, millions of workers saw their 401[ads1](k) and pension destroyed. of criminal games taken by Wall Street bankers.