SEC and Elon Musk tweet agreement receive a judge's approval stamp
SEC took Musk to court in February over its tweet saying that Tesla will produce 500,000 cars in 2019 – a figure agency said it had not previously disclosed. While the CEO followed up saying that the company still expects to deliver 400,000 vehicles, which are in line with a previous projection, the SEC continued to seek contempt for its previous agreement.
Look, it wasn't "t Musk's first clash with the agency: last year he faced a security fraud at the expense of tweets about taking Tesla private. As part of his settlement with the SEC, he had to go down as the car manufacturer's leader and To accept that his social networking services contain material information reviewed by the company's legal team, the CEO interpreted this agreement solely and argued that he had the right to decide whether a post needed prior approval, and yes, he did not receive his tweet containing the 500,000 degree of production which was reviewed by Tesla's lawyers.
However, as stated under the new agreement, he will no longer be able to tweet production and delivery rates without knowledge of the company's legal team. A former Reuters report also said that if a judge approves the new deal, the SEC will release his despicable charges against Musk, so he may not face any possible cons equations for his tweet.