Popeye's employees are fighting for workers selling chicken sandwiches on the side
@ JustKesh87
The struggles over the reintroduction of Popeye's chicken sandwich do not slow down … workers in a franchise teamed up with a co-worker they said they sold the popular item at low.
Check out this insane video from a Popeyes restaurant in Los Angeles … it's a madhouse behind the counter, with employees swinging at each other and a worker turning a frying pan over their heads.
The person behind the camera claims the violence broke out after an employee was caught selling chicken sandwich out of the back door.
In the video you hear a worker scream: "You f ** king beat me, bitch !!!" [19659007SomereportsthattheoutbreakofcampfirealloverthecountryafterPopeyebroughtbackbloodbreadbreadthatthewhomemanagentofthemaryland ended up dead after a violent change.
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