Nationwide CenturyLink Outage Affects Weld County Public Offices
Internet and telephone services are down for residents of dozens of states across the United States, including Colorado, but effects in Weld County are still being determined.
So far, only the Weld County government has confirmed problems with CenturyLink during nationwide outbreaks, posted on its Facebook page that nationwide outbreaks affected incoming and outgoing calls in the Western US, and some customers are experiencing slow internet and call failures.
By mid-afternoon, Weld's spokeswoman Jennifer Finch talked that the problems were largely solved.
"Some of our employees still experience poor telephone line quality when calling another state, but that's it," Finch said. "Other states are down. Fortunately, there was never the problem here for us." CenturyLink officials did not immediately return phone calls on Thursday. But they took Twitter to confirm the problem.
Our network is experiencing a disruption affecting customer service. We understand that some customers cannot generate tickets through CTL's help portal. We know how important services are to our customers and work to restore services as quickly as possible.
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̵[ads1]1; CenturyLink (@CenturyLink) December 27, 2018
At CenturyLink's website, outbreaks across the United States, ranging from New York and Boston to Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles . Denver and much of northern Colorado are also marked red on the map, indicating reports of outbreaks.
On Twitter, the Federal Communications Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel told an investigation.
"This is a nationwide outbreak," Rosenworcel tweeted. "The @ FCC survey must start now."
This is a nationwide outbreak. @FCC survey must start now.https: //
– Jessica Rosenworcel (@JRosenworcel) December 27, 2018
Twitter account @ReportOutage has [19659002] Account producers CenturyLink first received reports of outbreaks before 4 pm on Thursday, and these outbreaks have grown throughout the day, affecting the western US the most.
CenturyLink has not indicated the cause of the outbreaks.
Tribune has reached out to a number of authorities regarding outbreaks. Evans police chief Rick Brandt said his office had not experienced any problems. Tribune is waiting for recall from the Weld County Sheriff's Office, the Greeley Police Department and the Windsor Police Department.
Officials with Windsor municipality also say they are not aware of problems. Officials with the city of Greeley IT Department have not returned calls seeking comment.