Nationwide CenturyLink outage affects Colorado
BOISE, Idaho (AP) – Many CenturyLink customers across the United States were without the internet Thursday in prolonged interruptions ranging from New York to California.
The outbreaks began early in the day and continued until the evening. CenturyLink's network was "still experiencing a disturbance," but the telecommunications company was working to restore services, Monroe, Louisiana-based CenturyLink said in a statement.
The statement gave no other details, including the cause of the problem and how many customers were affected.
Jessica Rosenworcel, a member of the Federal Communications Commission, said via Twitter that it was a nationwide outbreak and her agency needed to investigate.
In Idaho, Internet issues caused temporary closure of telephone services at the Idaho Department of Correction and the State Department of Education, Idaho Statesman
Some ATMs were not working in Idaho and Montana.
At the North Colorado Medical Center in Greeley, Colorado, doctors and nurses for some time had difficulty accessing patient records. Instead of using digital devices, they had to take pencil and paper notes,
according to the Greeley Tribune
WyoLotto officials said they would postpone announcing Wyoming's winning state lottery and day's win after the outbreak.
In Arizona, some police agencies said 91[ads1]1 systems were temporarily crashing or having intermittent problems. They led people with emergencies to call other numbers.