
More than 30 reports of infant deaths prompting Fisher-Price sleeper recall – St George News

A model of Fisher-Price Rock's Play Sleeper, which is subject to voluntary recall. | Image by law of US Consumer Product Safety Commission, St. George News

ST. GEORGE ̵[ads1]1; Over 30 reports of babies dying in a popular infant's sleep have asked for a complete recall of the product.

Fisher-Price announced the recall of all models of Rock & Play's Play Sleeper Friday.

"For nearly 90 years, Fisher-Price has made child safety and the quality of our products our top priority. It's a commitment without compromise," the firm said in a consultative. "However, in recent days, there have been questions about Fisher Price Rock 'n Play Sleeper – therefore, today we announce a voluntary recall of all the devices of the product. "

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, child deaths occurred in sleepers after the babies rolled from the back to the stomach or side while uninhibited or under other circumstances.

Since the product was introduced in 2009, over 30 infant cases have occurred in sleepers, according to the Security Committee.

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Of the ten fatalities that are reported since 2015, the safety commission states that the infants were over 3 months old, which is the age babies begin to transmit behavior 19659003] According to the Safety Commission, Fisher-Price had Warned consumers to stop using the product when the infants learn to roll over, but the reported deaths indicate that someone is still using the product when babies get into

About 4.7 million Rock & # 39; s Play Sleeper products have become sold, trading for between $ 40-149.

"Consumers should immediately stop using the product and contact Fisher-Price for a refund or coupon," said the Security Commission on Friday.

Information on receipt of repayment can be found online at Fisher-Price website or by calling 866-812-6518 from 9:00 am 7am to 4pm MDT Monday through Friday.

The Safety Commission also recommends parents to always create a safe sleep environment for infants, whether they use a cot, a basin, a playground or an inclined sleeper.

"Never put carpets, pillows, stuffed toys, or other things to the environment and always place infants to sleep on their backs, said the Security Commission.


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