Jack Dorsey has the daily routine of a psychopath
Betsy Rothstein | Reporter
How concerned should we all be about 42-year-old billionaire Jack Dorsey ?
A new podcast interview with training guru Ben Greenfield highlights the Twitter founder's Stoic lifestyle and makes him sound like a member of a cult. Stoicism, writes Harley Monk in one piece in Medium is primarily about practicing attention.
The principles are weird.
For example, principle 3: "Picture life without people and possessions, you really must appreciate them."
There are normal things he does, like meditating twice a day and even walking five miles to and from work.
But then there is a cooler side. For example, during a 1[ads1]0-day retreat in Pyin Oo Lwin (Burma) at the end of 2018, he was banned from using gadgets, trained, talking and even Eye contact with other people.
At one point, the mother noticed that he had become orange, which was the result of too much Beto Kerotine, so he temporarily switched to a more paleo diet. And it is eating like an anorexic.
In the podcast interview, he describes today's day's routines, involving fasting, intermittent sauna and ice baths and bizarre eating habits.
Every morning he basically goes for a polar bear, swims by to take a bath in ice-cold water, he says it "unlocks his mind."
During the week, he only eats one meal each day – dinner. This weekend he decides. Cat Clifford writes that every night he engages in ritualistic sauna and ice baths: "First he sits in his barrel of sauna (set at 220 degrees) for 15 minutes, then hopes into an ice bath (37 degrees) in Three minutes, he repeats the process three times and ends with one minute in the ice bath. "
" This guy is the platonal idea of a rich white person who spends a year on an ashram, "a journo cracked to The Mirror Ben Dreyfuss an avid SoulCyclist and editor of Mother Jones, noted: "Every day Jack Dorsey uses 1 hour mediating in the morning, 1 hour 15 minutes walk to work, 1 hour 15 minutes go home from work, 1 hour meditation in the evening, 54 minutes jump between sauna and ice baths. No wonder Tweetdeck does not work. "
But some were more concerned about Dorsey than Tweetdeck.
"It sounds like Jack Dorsey may have a serious eating disorder," wrote Manhattan author and author Caroline Moss . "Walking 5 miles a day while just using a meal a weekday and no meals on weekends is not a wellness break … it's a disease."
Amanda Mull a writer on the Atlantic Ocean who has written about billionaires with strange diets, says Dorsey's daily behavior, should not be emulated. "I wrote this last time Jack Dorsey talked about his firm practice, but: I think it's really very dangerous for someone who is influential as he is to preach the virtues of not eating before you hallucinate!" She wrote.
Mike Monteiro, co-founder of Mule, an interactive design studio in San Francisco, did not succumb to how Dorsey lived his life.
"Way to promote eating disorders, @jack", he wrote. "You stupid fool man."
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