
Impossible Foods next product is sausage

The ingredients on sausage are only slightly different from those of the burger. The key force still comes from "heme" – the blood-like soy leghemoglobin that the company slips as its secret sauce – but in smaller quantities. The potato protein from the burger has been removed, as the company says gives the meat a bouncier texture.

"One of the most important things was that even though the sausage was new, it really depended on the platform we already had," said David Lipman, Impossible Chief Science Officer. "The ingredients are very, very similar, but the conditions are different, and they differ in ways that make quite deep differences."

 Impossible siu mai "data-caption =" Impossible food sausage siu mai "data -credit =" Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-supplier =" "data-local- id = "local-1[ads1]-7843177-1558118987284" data-media-id = "8cb97155-c57a- 46ea-b4df-23cc51f46c2a" data-original-url = " -images / 2019-05 / 78bfb3e0-78d4-11e9-bbf9-28dfd2eaead2 "data-title =" Impossible to see "src =" % 2C0 & quality = 85 & format = jpg & resize = 1600% 2C900 & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr-uploaded-images% 2F2019-05% 2F78bfb3e0-78d4-11e9-bb9-28dfd2eaead2 & client = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 5a6aee43a1695548d7c3a06aebc48c048a1a9dfe "/> </p>
<p>  Sausage meat became a viable next product, partly because it shares these ingredients, according to CEO Pat Brown, and also said the company's" number one goal "is still expanding production of its plant-based steak option. [19659005]" We had a few customers came to us who asked for a sausage product, "he told Engadget. "At the moment, the biggest challenge for us, that is, skull production. When we think of a new product, a very big assessment is how it fits into our workflow? We see a clear path to make this happen . " </p>
<p>  These similarities were good for the company's "meat platform" height. It would be a first demonstration that Impossible can make a completely different flesh flavor with just minimal tweaks to the ingredients and production process. If customers like to eat it, it is – how and where the impossible sausage will be available is not yet published. </p>
<h2>  Read (and see) the full Impossible Foods story: </h2>
<p><img alt=

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