
Hershey really wants you to try a Take5 candy bar

The Take5 bar, made of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, pretzels and peanut butter, is basically a candy-lover's dream. It just topped the Los Angeles Times' candy bar power ratings. But only 3% of US households bought a Take5 bar last year.
Hershey decided that the problem was the green and black label. It doesn't stand out, and the brand doesn't resonate with people. Hershey decided to raise one of Take5's five flavors: Reese is peanut butter.

Hershey will add Reese to Take5's name and logo on their wrappers to remind people of their most iconic ingredient.

The Candy bar has been sold since 2004. The new packages will include Reese's eye-catching orange with a new "Reese" Take5 logo. The ingredients do not change.

  The new Take5 packaging.

Jack Wilder, Reese's senior brand manager, told CNN Business that the company rebranded the candy bar because Hershey would attract new customers beyond the small base. He noted that 62% of US households bought a Reese in 2018. "We believe marrying Take5's small but loyal follower with an iconic brand name that people know and love, Reese, can help product breakthroughs," Wilder said. [19659009] Hershey ( HSY ) conducted a test to see if people liked the candy bar more when Reese's name was on it. It had fans trying a candy bar with the old and new packaging. The company said the fans "almost always" preferred the bar in the new packaging, even though they were exactly the same.

"With the power of Reese's brand and flavors and textures of Take5, we can wake up a sleeping giant whose time has come in the category," says wilder.

The new Reeses Take5 bars will be sold nationwide from mid-summer in Three Sizes

It is the second time Hersheys has restored candy over the past three years.

In 2016, Hersheys has dropped Millennials to redesign the wrapper because they "commit authenticity and co-creation." They came up with a black-green design with the five ingredients shown. Hershey then said the packaging has "taste-appeal and transparency this group of consumers are searching in the candy hall."
The Millennial's pivot to use the Reese name, a 91-year-old brand, comes at a time when sugar falls out of favor with the consumers.
  The old Take5 packaging.

Hershey said last year there were rising prices and healthier drive growth. The company has also introduced new products, such as Hershey's Gold, a "caramelized cream" bar with pretzels and peanuts baked inside, and Reese's Outrageous, a peanut butter chocolate bar with Reese's candy inside.
Last month, Hershey's design changed his flagship chocolate bar and added emoji. The redesign is only available in limited qualities in an attempt to create buzz for the 125-year-old chocolate bar.

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