Federal Prosecutors in California allegedly open criminal probe by gun company Juul
California federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal probe against e-cigarette maker Juul, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
The probe, from the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Northern District of California, is in its early stages, the journal reported, citing people familiar with the case. The magazine said it was unable to learn the focus of the probe.
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A spokesman for Juul and the Northern District of California & # 39; s AG office was not immediately available for comment. [19659008TilsynsmyndigheterharkritisertJuulforåhadrevetentenåringvaping"epidemic"granskeselskapetstidligereklamekampanjersombrukteungemodelleroglysefargerhelsetjenestemennsierappellertetilbarnaKritikeresieratbildeneposisjonerteJuulsometlivsstilsmerkeogtiltrakksegungemenneskerLovgivereharogsåoppfordretFDAtilåtrekkedeflestee-sigaretterutavmarkedetinkludertmarkedslederJuulmidtietutbruddavendødeliglungesykdomknyttettilvapingsomharsykletminst530menneskerogdreptåtte
In August Journal reported that the Federal Trade Commission investigated whether Juul used deceptive marketing and targeted minors.
In 2016, more than 2 million American students in middle and high school used e-cigarettes over a 30-day period, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC warns that nicotine exposure can harm adolescents' brain development.
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Read the full Wall Street Journal report here.
—CNBC's Angelica LaVito contributed to this report.