
Ben & Jerry's demands Congress is expanding cannabis beliefs

Ben & Jerrys celebrate 4/20 with a call for justice reform, and warning Congress that without it, marijuana legalization is a "half-baked" idea.

In a video tweeted Saturday, known as the annual holiday of stoners, labeled ice cream pointed out that when it comes to pot, those who deserve and those who are punished do not tend to look the same.

"Have you ever noticed how most people make legitimate cannabis white dollars? But a disproportionate number of people arrested for using cannabis are black?" Asked the company and demanded that officials begin to make sure that legalization does not leave people of color and exterminate everyone's cannabis beliefs. "

In a statement released Friday, Ben & Jerrys also urged lawmakers to "Forgiveness / Amnesty to Anyone Who Only Has Cannabis Crime" and adds that the cities, including San Francisco, have already taken the lead.

The company also extended its charge to shareholders and noted that some big city lawyers no longer falls due to p Eight Ownership

Ten states besides Washington, DC, have now legalized recreational marijuana, while 33 states have approved it for medical use.

But that doesn't mean it means arrests are falling.

According to an FBI crime statistics report released in September and shattered by Forbes, marijuana arrests increased by more than 6,400 from 2016 to 2017, mainly targeting possession rather than production or distribution.

I2013, found a US civil liberties report that people in the United States use pot at about the same rate no matter what their race – but that a black person is almost 4 times more likely to be arrested for possession than a white person is. 19659002] Furthermore, the report – which investigated arrests from 2001 to 2010 – concluded that more than 8 million of them were related to the pot. It amounts to 97 busts per hour.

Now Ben & Jerry are talking about a petition on their website, which has received about 23,390 signatures so far.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), A 2020 Presidential President, heads the leadership of the current congress. In February, he introduced his Marijuana Justice Act, which aims to legalize the pot across the country and expand criminal records of federal convictions, while allowing prosecuted persons to request reduced sentences.

The bill has received support from other democratic challengers as well, with co-sponsor from Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Kirsten Gillibrand (DN.Y.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

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