Authorities are arresting a man who jumped from a taxi in Phoenix

Authorities arrested a man after he jumped out of a plane that went to a street at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, The Associated Press reported.
The Phoenix Police Department said Saturday that Daniel Ramirez was jailed Saturday night on suspicion of trespassing.
Police said Ramirez was a passenger on a Southwest Airlines plane from Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he opened a rear gallery door and jumped out of the taxi plane, according to the AP.
Firefighters said Ramirez entered the airport fire station where he entered a room and locked himself inside.
Authorities said responding firefighters were able to get Ramirez to unlock the room, adding that he was evaluated and sent to a nearby medical facility to be treated for a lower leg injury, the AP reported.
Southwest officials said the plane̵[ads1]7;s captain alerted authorities to Ramirez, adding that the plane’s crew and passengers were able to walk to their designated gate.
Ramirez, 30, faces two counts of felony criminal mischief.
Ramirez’s family said he was in Colorado for a titular job but wanted to return home because he feared for his life, saying he could be schizophrenic because of the family’s history of the disorder, the AP noted.
“I do not want him to be portrayed as a crazy guy who jumped out of the plane. He ran and hid because he thought someone was after him, his mother Theresa Padilla told ABC-affiliated KNXV.