
Amazon is supposed to bring the whole food to US suburbs with Prime Now delivery

Amazon allegedly plans to expand Whole Foods stores across the United States to suburbs and other regions. It also wants to bring its two-hour delivery program Prime Now to all today's Whole Foods stores, anonymous sources told Wall Street Journal . The move will grow the whole food at a rapid pace as it has not seen before.

Whole food workers have already reported waiting for parts of Idaho, Wyoming, and southern Utah for possible retail spaces they could set up. An anonymous source told WSJ that these spaces were sometimes around 45,000 square feet, which means that they were slightly larger than the average Whole Foods store with 2,000 square feet. The potential expansion is probably not limited to only the Rocky Mountain region, but includes other regions that are not yet to be announced. We've reached out to Amazon and Whole Foods for comments.

Earlier this year, Whole Foods expanded by launching several 365-branded stores. These 365 stores tend to be smaller in size than Whole Foods' typical brick and mortar presence, focusing on locally made goods and offering more affordable priced groceries. All this growth took place as other supermarket chains turned down stores and let leases expire, leaving many Whole Foods and Amazon stores to catch up.

It's a good opportunity for Amazon, which increased to North American sales to $ 34.3 billion in late summer and autumn, an unknown fraction attributable to Whole Foods stores. Amazon never shares total sales figures across product categories, but said this year "more customers than ever" had turkeys delivered through AmazonFresh and Prime Now, while Whole Foods broke their record to sell most turkeys.

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