
After two jury losses, Bayers Roundup returns to court with 11,200 lawsuits

Bayer shares fall to $ 289 million Monsanto judgment

FBN's Ashley Webster on Bayer shares "is news of a California jury ordering the company's newly acquired Monsanto unit to pay $ 289 million not to alert about cancer risk from the company's pest Roundup

The legal problems continue to mount for German pharmaceutical giant Bayer since it acquired Monsanto in June in June for $ 62.5 billion, as it has been linked to another man's cancer, since more than 11,200 other plaintiffs are waiting in their wings

This week, a federal jury in San Francisco found that Monsanto's Roundup was a "significant factor" in that 70-year-old Edwin Hardeman developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, denying the connection. The experiment now moves to phase two, which determines whether Monsanto's conduct makes it responsible.

The loss follows last year's groundbreaking case when another jury in California found that weedkiller was responsible annually for Dewayne "Lee" Johnson who developed the same type of cancer. In August, a jury was awarded $ 289 million to Johnson, which was later reduced to $ 78.5 million.

"Monsanto not only lost another test this week, but this week too, the largest study ever showed 300,000 [farmers who were exposed to glyphosate] an increased risk for the vast majority of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma," Miller Firm's Michael Miller attorney. acted as one of Johnson's lawyers during the trial and now represents several thousand other Roundup victims across the country, FOX Business said.


The new study, released Monday by the International Journal of Epidemiology, showed links between glyphosate (a chemical such as Roundup uses) herbicides and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, using data from more than 300,000 Farmers and agricultural workers in France, Norway and American researchers found that the specific type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with glyphosate exposure was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the same type of cancer Hardeman h as.

Miller, currently in Oakland, California, chooses a jury for a husband and wife who both claim to develop non-Hodgkin's lymphoma after prolonged exposure to Roundup, Bayer's management continues to deny weed killer.

"The best move for Bayer is to settle with his victims before the company drowns in this trial," Miller added.

Christopher Loder, a spokesman for Bayer, told FOX Business that despite the more than 1[ads1]1,200 awaiting litigation the company faces the whole country, "these products are behind and will strongly defend them."

"Roundup products and their active ingredient, glyphosate, have been used safely and successfully for over four decades worldwide, and are a valuable tool for helping farmers deliver crops to markets and sustainably sustain farming. soil management, soil erosion and carbon emissions. Regulatory authorities around the world consider glyphosate-based herbicides as safe when used as directed, "Bayer said in a statement by Hardeman's judgment.

The company added that there have been more than 800 rigorous studies submitted to EPA, European and other regulators during the registration process confirming that these products are safe "when used as directed." However, Bayer did not respond to a request for comment on the new study released this week on glyphosate.

However, glyphosate has been under supervision for many years. In 2015, the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization, identified the ingredient as a "likely carcinogen".

Miller and his law firm urge Bayer to give a bold warning about Roundup and limit its use.


In August, Timothy Litzenburg, another Johnson attorney, told FOX Business, who, after defeating Bayer in court, continues calls from other victims to enter their offices and they are currently changing thousands of new complaints.

Bayer's shares have fallen since the company's first jury loss in August, down from nearly $ 28 per share to around $ 17 on Thursday morning.

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